Can-SOLVE CKD Network


Patients First: Advancing Equity in Kidney Research

Letter From the Executive Director

For the Can-SOLVE CKD Network, 2024 was a transformative year—a time of learning, growth, and meaningful strides as we continue to advance patient-oriented kidney health research and engagement across Canada and beyond.

More than ever, we put patients at the heart of everything we did. From co-designing research initiatives to enhancing patient partnership models, we’ve embraced the ethos of collaboration and community-driven research. Patient partners brought invaluable insights to the table, helping us shape research agendas that reflect the needs of those living with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, Can-SOLVE CKD Network secured over $3.16 million in funding to advance patient-oriented research, foster inclusive and equitable care, and strengthen connections between researchers and those with lived experience, with a focus on improving kidney health for all Canadians. We conducted network-wide patient partner recruitment research in order to create a patient partner recruitment toolkit for researchers both within and beyond the network. This work was shared by members of our Patient Governance Council at the World Congress of Nephrology 2024 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Kidney Week 2024 in San Diego, California.

Another major milestone this year was the launch of Meno Ya Win (“A Vision for Better Health”), an Indigenous kidney health learning and decision-making tool consisting of a series of videos and lesson plans co-created by and for Indigenous people living with CKD. To understand the network’s existing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) strengths and future directions, Can-SOLVE CKD Network conducted a network-wide IDEA audit, with a path forward shared publicly December 2024.

We enhanced our online presence, reaching more people than ever before. KidneyLink, our website that connects patients with research opportunities, saw a nearly 40 per cent increase in new users, thanks to newly implemented marketing efforts and features that made participation easier and more accessible.

Equity, diversity, and inclusion continued to be emphasized in all aspects of our work. Through collaborations with key communities, we created opportunities to listen to those with lived experience and continued to support research projects addressing systemic barriers in kidney health care. By year’s end, Kidney Check successfully screened over 500 individuals in BC First Nations communities, with ongoing engagement in over 29 First Nation communities. We successfully published five new studies addressing Indigenous health, ensuring culturally relevant approaches to kidney care and research.

None of this would have been possible without our dedicated network of patient partners, researchers, healthcare professionals, and operations team. Together, we tackled urgent challenges facing the CKD community and explored innovative solutions to improve care, outcomes, and quality of life for all Canadians living with the disease.

As we look ahead, I’m filled with optimism for the path before us. The strength, resilience, and vision of our community inspire me daily, and I’m excited to build on the momentum of 2024 as we strive toward a healthier, more equitable future for everyone affected by CKD.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Let’s continue to innovate, collaborate, and make a lasting impact—together.

With gratitude,

Heather Harris

Executive Director, Can-SOLVE CKD Network

2024 at a Glance


Secured in funding


Research publications and presentations


Patient partner council members


Equity initiatives and resources


People reached via KidneyLink

Supporting Capacity Building

At Can-SOLVE CKD Network, we believe that the best research starts with the voices of those it seeks to help. Chronic kidney disease affects millions of Canadians, yet the path to diagnosis and treatment often remains inequitable and fragmented. This is why Can-SOLVE CKD Network exists—to ensure that lived experiences guide the science and frameworks of care, and that solutions are tailored to real needs.

Patient partners make an impact on international research stage

Patient partners at Can-SOLVE CKD Network are leaders in reshaping the kidney research landscape in Canada, and now they are making an impact at an international level. In November 2024, six patient partners from the network took the stage at the International Society of Nephrology’s (ISN) Research Consensus Meeting in Vancouver. Experts in nephrology from around the world expressed admiration for the patient partners’ messages and delivery, and many are now seeking to learn from our patient-oriented research model.  

“On the last day [of the ISN Research Consensus Meeting], there was a statistician from Germany [who] told us that by listening to our story, from a patient partner perspective, it puts a lot more meaning to his work…and now he knows that each number is not just a number, but a person behind it.”

Thomas Ng

Patient Partner 

Network Testimonials


“What I’d like others to know is that their lived experience has incredible value and is worth sharing. There is a fantastic community of patient partners, researchers, and nephrologists at Can-SOLVE CKD and the environment is one of openness and support. I would encourage others to seek out these opportunities through Can-SOLVE CKD or other networks (or ask their health care providers if they are aware of opportunities).”


Kelly Loverock

Patient Governance Circle

“Early on in my involvement in the Can-SOLVE CKD Network, it became quite evident to me that in order to move forward we have to walk forward together, and everyone has to keep their hearts open and rebuild trust [in the path to truth and reconciliation].”

Dr. Clara Bohm

Co-Principal Investigator
Mind the Gap Project

“I decided to live my life in honour of my donor and their family by doing whatever I could for the patients coming along behind me. That is the biggest definition of paying it forward I can think of.”

Charles Cook

Patient Governance Circle

“[I]t’s clear we are making a significant impact within the kidney community, and I look forward to continuing and expanding upon our great work.”

Dr. Adeera Levin

Co-Principal Lead
Can-SOLVE CKD Network

“My ultimate goal coming into the Can-SOLVE CKD Network was that [my late husband Glen] never became a statistic—that people can learn from him and our experience.”

Arlene Desjarlais

Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement
and Research Council

“Each person we interact with is so different and has their own stories. I feel so grateful to just be in that presence and have a chance to listen to their lives.”


Christian Allera

BC Kidney Check Nurse

Patient Partners in Action

Indigenous Health Conference

International Society of Nephrology PARADIGM Preparation Meeting

World Kidney Day

Can-SOLVE CKD Annual Meeting

American Society of Nephrology 
San Diego

Can-SOLVE CKD Annual Meeting

Diversifying Kidney Research

Our mission is to break down barriers to equitable kidney care by prioritizing patient engagement, fostering innovative collaborations, and addressing systemic disparities. From co-developing culturally safe care models alongside Indigenous communities to launching accessible digital tools like KidneyLink, we’re driven by a single purpose: to improve outcomes and quality of life for everyone affected by CKD through equity-centred, patient-oriented research.

Bringing Traditional Knowledge Into Research

As a research network committed to advancing health equity, we recognize that amplifying the history, stories, and cultures of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples is not only right, but necessary. There is no health equity without Indigenous voices.

In the context of kidney research, the expertise and lived experiences of Indigenous researchers, clinicians, patient partners, Elders and Knowledge Keepers, and other community members is especially crucial, given that chronic kidney disease disproportionately impacts Indigenous communities.

The Kidney Check project aims to improve early CKD risk identification, and support people in rural and remote Indigenous communities with access to recommended care within their communities. Míkw’achi7m, also known as Marissa Nahanee, is a patient partner with Kidney Check and communicates the importance of coming together to create a safer world.

A Vision for Better Health – Meno Ya Win – Indigenous Kidney Health Series

Following extensive collaboration between researchers and Indigenous community members in Saskatchewan, a first-of-its-kind educational video series on kidney disease and care launched in June 2024.  The series, called Meno Ya Win – A Vision for Better Healthwas co-created with and for Indigenous people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), as well as their families, caregivers, and health care providers, so they can make informed treatment decisions.  

“She [Dr. Joanne Kappel] used the approach of the traditional people to offer me tobacco, and that showed me the honesty that was going to be involved in this work, to understand each other properly and not take control one way or another…that’s why I got involved.”

Elder George Laliberte

Knowledge Keeper

“Staff, patient partners, researchers – we are all tasked with being responsible for embodying IDEA principles.”

Selina Allu

Knowledge Translation Broker
and Implementation Support Practitioner

Audit shines a light on Can-SOLVE CKD’s IDEA strengths and future directions

Embedding principles of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) into Can-SOLVE CKD Network’s operations and outcomes is a key priority for us in Phase 2 (2022-2026). To understand the network’s existing IDEA strengths and future directions, we conducted a network-wide IDEA audit. 

Can-SOLVE CKD Network members—including patient partners, research teams, and staff—were invited to participate in one or more of seven interactive virtual Zoom workshops conducted between June 2023 and January 2024.

Honouring Indigenous wisdom and guidance

Mary Beaucage was a fearless champion for kidney health whose contributions to the Can-SOLVE CKD community are too great to count. We will remember her good humour, quick wit, and warm heart, which she shared so generously. Her presence will continue to be felt in everything we do, and we remain committed to realizing her vision of better kidney health for all.

Mary was a proud Anishinaabekwe from Nipissing First Nation, who was the catalyst and inspiration for the Supporting Each Other’s Journey Land Acknowledgment Series, for which she wrote and narrated this powerful video to share her teachings and wisdom.

Mobilizing Research

We’re more than a research network. We’re a movement for change. By uniting patients, caregivers, researchers, and healthcare professionals, we’re shaping a future where everyone’s voice is heard. Where care is a conversation, and research a collaboration. Every study we launch, tool we create, and story we share pushes us closer to a future of health equity.

Publication Highlight

We Want You: Patient Partner Recruitment Strategies Within a National Kidney Health Research Network

In 2024, the Patient Governance Council and Communications Team collaborated to identify the most effective patient partner recruitment strategies across the network. Their findings were presented at the World Congress of Nephrology, Kidney Week, and Putting Patients First BC.

Phase 2 Research Projects

We have created a robust national research program based around what matters most to patients:

  • Identifying kidney disease earlier
  • Developing better treatments
  • Delivering innovative patient-centred care

Our research projects are generating new knowledge and tools that will impact kidney health care for years to come. Learn more about each of these initiatives below.

Mind the Gap

Improving mental health care for people receiving hemodialysis

Kidney Check

Culturally safe kidney health screening in rural and remote First Nations communities

Safety Net

Identifying adults at high risk of kidney failure and offering proactive care


Reducing the number of medications taken by people on hemodialysis


Helping kidney patients and care providers consider the risks and benefits of cardiovascular procedures


Testing a new equation to estimate kidney function in youth with type 2 diabetes

Living Donor Kidney Transplantation

Improving the efficiency of the living donor kidney evaluation process


Validating a symptom assessment tool for young children with CKD or on dialysis

My Kidneys My Health

Enhancing a self-management website to support the needs of diverse populations

2024 Publications

Title Journal Authors
Perceptions and Information-Seeking Behaviour Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Among Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease in 2023: A Cross-Sectional Survey Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Enilama, Omosomi; MacDonald, Cynthia; Thompson, Pearl; Khan,Umair; Allu, Selina;
Beaucage, Mary; Yau, Kevin; Oliver, Matthew J.; Hladunewich, Michelle A.; Levin, Adeera
Collaborative implementation science: a Can-SOLVE CKD case example JBI Evidence Implementation Allu, Selina; Beaucage, Mary; Donald, Maoliosa; Escoto, Manuel; Kappel, Joanne; Morrin, Louise; Soroka, Steven
Can-SOLVE CKD: Capturing Our IDEA Journey as a Patient-Oriented Kidney Research Network (Poster.) Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Turino Miranda, Keila; Jones, Jocelyn; M.; Harris, Heather; Scholey, James W.; Talson, Melanie D.; Hampson, Michelle; Cook, Charles; L. Wysocki Julie; Hainstock, Taylor; Allu, Selina
Kidney International
Talson, Melanie; Wilde, Claudia; Cook, Charles; Loverock, Kelly
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Talson, Melanie; Wilde, Claudia; Cook, Charles; Loverock, Kelly
Perspectives and Current Practices in the Provision of Sexual Health Support for People with CKD: A Survey of Canadian Health Care Providers (Poster.) Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Elliott, Meghan J.; Love, Shannan; Jassemi, Sabrina; Sparkes, Dwight; Dumanski, Sandi M.; Hemmelgarn, Brenda; Mckeaveney, Clare; Farragher, Janine; Ahrenholz, Katie B.; Crysdale, Gillian; Verdin, Nancy; Donald, Maoliosa
Validation of Patient-Reported Outcome measure in pediatric chronic Kidney disease (PRO-Kid) Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Matsuda-Abedini, Mina; Zappitelli, Michael; Widger K, Rapoport A, Dionne JM, Chanchlani, Raul; Samuel, Sam; Davison SN, Bei KF, Wai Lai VK, Dufault B, Dart, Alison.
Pharmacological treatment for mental health illnesses in adults receiving dialysis: A scoping review Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology Wichart, Jenny; Yoeun, Peter; Chin, Tracy; Evernden, Christopher; Berendonk, Charlotte; Kerr, Jodi; Birchall, Alexandra; Boschee, Belinda; Defoe, Kimberly; Dhaliwal, Jasleen;  Karis Allen, Tasia; Kennedy, Megan; McDonald, Alexis; Mierzejewski, Monika K.; Schick-Makaroff, Kara
Implementation of a One-Day Living Kidney Donor Assessment Clinic to Improve the Efficiency of the Living Kidney Donor Evaluation: Program Report Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease Yohanna S; Naylor KL; Sontrop JM; Ribic CM; Clase CM; Miller MC, et al.
Prescribing patterns and medication costs in patients on maintenance haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Ghimire, Anukul; Lloyd, Anita M, Bello, Aminu K; Battistella, Marisa; Ronksley, Paul; Tonelli, Marcello
Prediction models for earlier stages of chronic kidney disease Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension Alexiuk, Mackenzie; Tangri, Navdeep
Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Adolescents Living With Type 2 Diabetes: A Substudy of the Improving Renal Complications in Adolescents With Type 2 Diabetes Through REsearch (iCARE) Cohort Canadian Journal of Diabetes Mosienko L.; Wicklow, B.; McGavock, J.;Sellers, EAC; Schur, S.; Dufault, B.; Gabbs, M.; Dart, A.
Sex differences in kidney metabolism may reflect sex-dependent outcomes in human diabetic kidney disease Science Translational Medicine Clotet-Freixas, S; Zaslaver, O; Kotlyar, M.; Pastrello, C.; Quaile, A.; McEvoy, C.; Saha, Am.; Farkona, S.; Boshart, A.; Zorcic, K.; Neupane, S.; Manion, K.; Allen, M.; Chan, M.; Chen, X.; Arnold, A.; Sekula, P.; Steinbrenner, I.; Kottgen, A.; Dart, A.; Wicklow, B.; McGavock, J.; Blydt-Hansen, T.; Barrios, C.; Riera, M.; Soler, M.J.; Isenbrandt, A; Lamontagne-Proulx, J.; Pradeloux, S.; Coulombe, K.; Soulet, D.; Rajasekar, S.; Zhang, B.; John, R.; Mehrotra, A.; Gehring, A.; Puhka, M.; Jurisica, I.; Woo, M.; Scholey, J.; Rost, H.; Konvalinka, A.
Barriers to Optimal Kidney Health Among Indigenous Peoples Kidney International Reports Chaturvedi, S.; Victoria, Bianchi M.E.; Bello, A.; Crowshoe, H.; Hughes, J.T.
An update on the global disparities in kidney disease burden and care across world countries and regions The Lancet. Global health. Bello, AK.; Okpechi, IG.; Levin, A.; Ye, F.; Damster, S.; Arruebo, S.; Donner, JA.; Caskey, FJ.; Cho, Y.; Davids, MR.; Davison, SN.; Htay, H.; Jha, V.; Lalji, R.; Malik, C,; Nangaku, M.; See, E.; Sozio, S.M.; Tonelli, M.; Wainstein, M.; Yeung, EK.; Johnson, DW.; ISN-GKHA Group.
Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Complications in Older Adults Drugs Aging Tungsanga, S.;Bello, AK.
Regional hotspots for chronic kidney disease: A multinational study from ISN-GKHA
multinational study from the ISN-GKHA
PLOS Global Public Health Garcia, P.; Strasma, AK; Wijewickrama, E.; Arruebo, S.; Caskey, FJ.; Damster, S.; Donner, JA.; Jha, V.; Levin, A.; Nangaku, M.; Saad, S.; Tonelli, M.; Ye, F.; Okpechi, IG.; Bello, AK.; Johnson, DW.; Anand, S.
Patients’ experiences of medication management while navigating ongoing care between outpatient services: A qualitative case study of patients on hemodialysis Explore Res Clin Soc Pharm Zhang, T.; Mohsen, M.;  Abbaticchio, A.; Battistella, M.

Looking Ahead to 2025

As we look to 2025, we are excited for upcoming network outputs including culturally sensitive webinars, patient-oriented scholarly publications, and collaborative presentations on the national and international nephrology stage.

This roadmap outlines key initiatives and events planned for the first half of 2025. Stay tuned to our newsletter and social channels for updates on what’s ahead in the second half of the year!

Financial Highlights

At Can-SOLVE CKD Network, we’re not only imagining a healthier tomorrowwe’re building it today.

***All financial figures presented are based on the Can-SOLVE CKD Network’s fiscal year.  Year 1 covers the Fiscal Period April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Year 2 covers the Fiscal Period April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

Thank you to our partners and funders!

Together we will transform kidney health for all Canadians.

Alberta Kidney Disease Network
Alberta Health Services
Alberta Innovates
APPROACH: Alberta Provincial Project for Outcome Assessment in Coronary Heart Disease
BC Renal
Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canadian Society of Nephrology
Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Chinook Therapeutics
Chronic Disease Innovation Centre
DREAM: Diabetes Research Envisioned and Accomplished in Manitoba
First Nations Health Authority
Fresenius Medical Care
George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Kidney Foundation of Canada
Lawson Health Research Institute
Libin Cardiovascular Institute
Manitoba Renal Program
McMaster University
Michael Smith Health Research BC
Newfoundland and Labrador SUPPORT
Nova Scotia Health
Ontario Health Trillium Gift of Life Network
Ontario Renal Network
The Ottawa Hospital Foundation
Population Health Research Institute
Providence Research
Research Manitoba
Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research
St. Michael's Hospital
St. Paul's Foundation
St. Paul's Hospital Foundation
Toronto General and Western Hospital Foundation
University Health Network
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Ottawa
University of Saskatchewan
University of Toronto
Western University

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