About Us
The Can-SOLVE CKD Network is Canada’s largest-ever kidney research initiative.
We are a national partnership of patients, researchers, health care providers, and policy-makers working to transform treatment and care for Canadians affected by chronic kidney disease.
Our network coordinates and conducts innovative research using a patient-oriented approach. We are changing the culture of kidney research by involving patients throughout the research process. Patients are truly at the centre of everything we do.
Shaped by patients’ experiences and priorities, our research programs are generating new knowledge that will deliver better kidney health to patients. We also create resources and tools that enhance Canada’s ability to lead innovative kidney health research.
We are one of five chronic disease networks supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research through Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR). Funding is also provided by more than 60 partners, including provincial kidney care agencies, health charities, universities, and pharmaceutical companies.
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