Advancing equity in research
Across the Can-SOLVE CKD Network, we strive to transform treatment and care for all Canadians living with or at risk for chronic kidney disease.
We have a shared responsibility and commitment to advancing equitable, patient-oriented research of the highest quality through our core values of inclusion, cultural competency, and collaboration.
Core values action plan
We believe in living out our core values through action by practicing the 6 R’s in our work. Originally developed by our Patient Governance Circle as a Group Charter as expectations of members, the 6 R’s follow the guiding principles of Wabishki Bizhiko Skaanj Learning Pathway by Looking, Listening, Learning and Leading.
We will be respectful by:
- Acknowledging the land/water/territories in the work of Can-SOLVE CKD
- Respecting who we all are and regarding all forms of diversity as valuable. (Including, but not limited to: race, ethnicity, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, national origin, social economic class, religion, and professional status)
- Listening, understanding, and acting in a good way to respect each other’s opinions, thoughts, feelings and experiences.
We will practice reciprocity by:
- Actively listening in order that all voices are heard and understood
- Being open-minded to cultural diversity and showing kindness in words and actions
- Including principles of circle work such as two-eyed seeing and reciprocal learning
Our work will be relevant by:
- Fostering more engagement with patient partners from underrepresented areas of Canada
- Putting our heart/hard work into action to benefit affected populations with CKD
- Ensuring Can-SOLVE CKD research outcomes reflect and incorporate our vision
We will act responsibly by:
- Asking for help and supporting each other
- Being accountable for our words and actions to ourselves and each other
- Sharing the workload throughout the Network
- Delivering on our goals
- We will lead by example
We will honour relationships by:
- Treating others the way they wish to be treated
- Welcoming new members and establishing meaningful relationships
- Being open-minded and curious; seeing, hearing, engaging
We will be authentic by:
- Speaking our truth
- Sharing our experiential knowledge to impact change within the healthcare system
- Pursuing educational efforts that are built on principles of our group charter
- Delivering research outcomes that are important to patients and their families by addressing real life problems
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