September 16, 2024
Thank you and farewell to a dear colleague, Graham Pollock
We would like to give our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Graham Pollock, who will be moving on to a new position as Director, External Relations at Health Research BC.
Graham joined Can-SOLVE CKD eight years ago in the very early days of the network and has been a much valued and sought after member of the team ever since. He applied his talents as a communications professional to the work, developed the portfolio and network’s internal and external presence, and brought a strong sense of humanity – and a great sense of humour.
Since day one, Graham has been the heart of the network, supporting all facets of the team, from the Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council and the Patient Governance Council to the research and operations. Known across Can-SOLVE for his exceptional kindness, compassion, and extensive expertise, Graham was often the first person sought out for advice. With his departure, there will undoubtedly be a hole we all feel.
Graham, thank you for being an invaluable member of the Can-SOLVE CKD community. We wish you the very best and look forward to seeing you thrive in your future endeavours! May the force be with you.
Moving forward, all communications inquiries can be directed to Claudia Wilde at cwilde@cansolveckd.ca.
Requests for writing support can be directed to Michelle Hampson at mhampson@cansolveckd.ca.
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