Research Involvement and Engagement
Getchell LE, Reich M, Allu S, Woods C, Atkinson T, Beaucage M, Stalker L, Sparkes D, Turner C, L'Esperance A, Burns K, Elliott MJ, Chiu H, Rosenblum ND, Sapir-Pichhadze R
Research Project: N/A
Keywords: Patient Engagement, Storytelling for Impact
Priorities for peer support delivery among adults living with chronic kidney disease: a patient-oriented consensus workshop
Elliott MJ, Donald M, Farragher J, Verdin N, Love S, Manns K, Baragar B, Sparkes D, Fox D, Hemmelgarn BR
Research Project: Self-Management
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Self-Management, Peer Support
Preferences of Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease for Invasive Versus Conservative Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Discrete Choice Experiment
Journal of the American Heart Association
Wilson TA, Hazlewood GS, Sajobi TT, Wilton SB, Pearson WE, Connolly C, Javaheri PA, Finlay JL, Levin A, Graham MM, Tonelli M, James MT
Research Project: APPROACH
The dynamic nature of patient engagement within a Canadian patient-oriented kidney health research network: Perspectives of researchers and patient partners
Health Expectations
Elliott MJ, McCarron TL, Schick-Makaroff K, Getchell L, Manns B, Fernandez N
Research Project: N/A
Keywords: Patient Engagement
Kidney Medicine
Lewis RA, Bohm C, Fraser F, Fraser R, Woytkiw L, Jurgutis S, Rubin M, Smith G, Buenafe J, Verdin N, Hutton J, Tonelli M
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Quality of Life, Hemodialysis, Chronic Kidney Disease
How the Routine Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Hemodialysis Care Influences Patient-Clinician Communication
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Schick-Makaroff K, Wozniak LA, Short H, Davison SN, Klarenbach S, Buzinski R, Walsh M, Johnson JA
Research Project: EMPATHY
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
Involving Patient Partners in the KRESCENT Peer Review: Intent, Process, Challenges, and Opportunities
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Fowler EA, Bell K, Burns K, Chiazzese A, DeSerres SA, Foster BJ, Hartwig S, Herrington G, James MT, Jensen V, Jones N, Kidston S, Lemay S, Levin A, MacPhee A, McCutcheon S, Ravani P, Samuel S, Scholey J, Takano T, Tangri N, Verdin N, Alexander RT, Clase CM
Research Project: N/A
Program Report: Can-SOLVE CKD Network Presents an Inclusive Method for Developing Patient-Oriented Research Tools
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Getchell LE, Fowler E, Reich M, Allu S, Boucher C, Burns K, Desjarlais A, L'Esperance A, Elliott M, Robinson-Settee H, Chiu HH, Rosenblum ND, Settee C, Murdoch A, Dew S, Green A, Franson L, Bernstein E, Sparkes D, Turner C, Fernandez N, Sapir-Pichhadze R
Research Project: N/A
Functional Sodium MRI Helps to Measure Corticomedullary Sodium Content in Normal and Diseased Human Kidneys
Akbari A, Lemoine S, Salerno F, Marcus TL, Duffy T, Scholl TJ, Filler G, House AA, McIntyre CW
Research Project: NaMRI
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Sodium MRI
Healthcare Quarterly
Naylor KL, McKenzie SQ, Garg AX, Yohanna S, Sontrop JM
Research Project: Living Donor
Keywords: Transplant, Living Donation
Protocol for a Process Evaluation of the Quality Improvement Intervention to Enhance Access to Kidney Transplantation and Living Kidney Donation (EnAKT LKD) Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Yohanna S, Wilson M, Naylor KL, Garg AX, Sontrop JM, Belenko D, Elliott L, McKenzie S, Macanovic S, Mucsi I, Patzer R, Voronin I, Lui I, Blake PG, Waterman AD, Treleaven D, Presseau J
Research Project: Living Donor
Keywords: Transplant, Living Donation
An eHealth self-management intervention for adults with chronic kidney disease, My Kidneys My Health: a mixed-methods study
Donald M, Beanlands H, Straus S, Smekal M, Gil S, Elliott MJ, Harwood L, Waldvogel B, Delgado M, Sparkes D, Tong A, Grill A, Novak M, James MT, Brimble KS, Tu K, Hemmelgarn BR
Research Project: Self-Management
Keywords: Self-Management, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Yuen J, Harasemiw O, Singer A, Bello A, Ronksley PE, Bohm C, Drummond N, Tangri N
Research Project: KFRE
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Harasemiw O, Komenda P, Tangri N
Research Project: Kidney Check
Keywords: Social Determinants of Health, Indigenous Health
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Marylin Carino, Zoe Quill, Melissa Gabbs, Elizabeth Sellers, Jill Hamilton, Teresa Pinto, Mary Jetha, Josephine, Onalee Garcia Alecio, Allison Dart, Brandy Wicklow
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: type 2 diabetes, adolescents, COVID-19
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Sparkes D, Lee L, Rutter B, Harasemiw O, Thorsteinsdottir B, Tangri
Research Project: KFRE
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease
JMIR Formative Research
Donald M, Beanlands H, Straus SE, Smekal M, Gil S, Elliott MJ, Herrington G, Harwood L, Waldvogel B, Delgado M, Sparkes D, Tong A, Grill A, Novak M, James MT, Brimble KS, Samuel S, Tu K, Farragher J, Hemmelgarn BR.
Research Project: Self-Management
Keywords: Self-Management, Patient Engagement
The Kidney Check program – championing patient-centered, culturally safe, preventive kidney care in Canada’s rural and remote Indigenous communities
Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Curtis S, Collister D, Martin H, Sokoro AR, McLeod L, Chartrand C, Lavallee B, Woods C, Levin A, Komenda P.
Research Project: Kidney Check
Keywords: Indigenous Health
Kidney Check Point-of-Care Testing-Furthering Patient Engagement and Patient-Centered Care in Canada’s Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities: Program Report
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Curtis S, Martin H, DiNella M, Lavallee B, Chartrand C, McLeod L, Woods C, Dart A, Tangri N, Rigatto C, Komenda P
Research Project: Kidney Check
Keywords: Indigenous Health
Defining the Scope of Knowledge Translation Within a National, Patient-Oriented Kidney Research Network
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Elliott MJ, Allu S, Beaucage M, McKenzie S, Kappel J, Harvey R, Morrin L, Soroka S, Graham J, Harding C, Pinsk M, Harris H, Tang M, Manns B
Research Project: N/A
Wabishki Bizhiko Skaanj: a learning pathway to foster better Indigenous cultural competence in Canadian health research
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Robinson-Settee H, Settee C, King M, Beaucage M, Smith M, Desjarlais A, Chiu HH, Turner C, Kappel J, McGavock JM
Research Project: N/A
Keywords: Indigenous Health, Indigenous Cultural Competency
Re-Envisioning the Canadian Nephrology Trials Network: A Can-SOLVE-CKD Stakeholder Meeting of Patient Partners and Researchers
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Murdoch A, Tennankore KK, Bohm C, Clase CM, Levin A, Vorster H, Suri RS.
Research Project: N/A
Keywords: patient partners, clinical trials
Treatment Preferences for Cardiac Procedures of Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease in Acute Coronary Syndrome: Design and Pilot Testing of a Discrete Choice Experiment
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Wilson T, Javaheri P, Finlay J, Hazlewood G, Wilton SB, Sajobi T, Levin A, Pearson W, Connolly C, James MT
Research Project: APPROACH
Comparison of Clinical and Social Characteristics of Canadian Youth Living with Type 2 and Type 1 Diabetes
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Carino M, Elia Y, Sellers E, Curtis J, McGavock J, Scholey J, Hamilton J, Clarson C, Pinto T, Hadjiyannakis S, Mertens L, Samaan MC, Ho J, Nour M, Panagiotopoulos C, Jetha M, Gabbs M, Mahmud FH, Wicklow B, Dart A
Keywords: type 2 diabetes, Type 1 diabetes
Cardiovascular Comorbidity Associated With Albuminuria in Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes: Analyses From the iCARE Study
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Sellers EAC, Dart AB, McGavock J, Wicklow BA
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: Cardiovascular Disease, type 2 diabetes
Impact of a screen, triage and treat program for identifying chronic disease risk in Indigenous children
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Frejuk KL, Harasemiw O, Komenda P, Lavallee B, McLeod L, Chartrand C, Di Nella M, Ferguson TW, Martin H, Wicklow B, Dart AB
Research Project: Kidney Check
Keywords: Indigenous Health
Development of a patient-reported outcome measure for the assessment of symptom burden in pediatric chronic kidney disease (PRO-Kid)
Pediatric Nephrology
Jawa NA, Rapoport A, Widger K, Zappitelli M, Davison SN, Jha S, Dart AB, Matsuda-Abedini M
Research Project: PRO-Kid
Keywords: Pediatrics, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
Evaluation of novel glomerular filtration rate estimation equations in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications
Gaebe K, White CA, Mahmud FH, Scholey JW, Elia YT, Sochett EB, Cherney DZ
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Glomerular Filtration Rate, Type 1 diabetes
Impact of point-of-care screening for hypertension, diabetes and progression of chronic kidney disease in rural Manitoba Indigenous communities
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Harasemiw O, Ferguson T, Lavallee B, McLeod L, Chartrand C, Rigatto C, Tangri N, Dart A, Komenda P
Research Project: Kidney Check
Three week compared to seven week run-in period length and the assessment of pre-randomization adherence: A study within a trial
Contemporary Clinical Trials
Collister D, Mbuagbaw L, Guyatt G, Devereaux PJ, Tennankore KK, Reis G, Sola L, Xavier D, Jha V, Gallagher M, Dans AL, Liu W, de Zoysa J, Félix C, Mark PB, Li Z, Tyrwhitt J, Wilkinson J, Sheridan P, Yuan F, Walsh M; ACHIEVE investigators
Research Project: ACHIEVE
Keywords: Dialysis, clinical trials
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
Lemoine S, Salerno FR, Akbari A, McKelvie RS, McIntyre CW
Research Project: NaMRI
Keywords: Cardiovascular Disease, Sodium, Glomerular Filtration Rate
Burden of mental health symptoms and perceptions of their management in in-centre hemodialysis care: a mixed methods study
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Schick-Makaroff K, Wozniak LA, Short H, Davison SN, Klarenbach S, Buzinski R, Walsh M, Johnson JA
Research Project: EMPATHY
Mapping the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System-Revised: Renal to the EQ-5D-5L in patients with chronic kidney disease
Quality of Life Research
Wen J, Jin X, Al Sayah F, Short H, Ohinmaa A, Davison SN, Walsh M, Johnson JA
Research Project: EMPATHY
Patient, Caregiver, and Provider Perspectives on Improving Information Delivery in Hemodialysis: A Qualitative Study
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Ferreira da Silva P, Talson MD, Finlay J, Rossum K, Soroka KV, McCormick M, Desjarlais A, Vorster H, Fontaine G, Sass R, James M, Sood MM, Tong A, Pannu N, Tennankore K, Thompson S, Tonelli M, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Quality of Life, Hemodialysis, Patient-Oriented Research
Voicing Individual Concerns for Engagement in Hemodialysis (VOICE-HD): A Mixed Method, Randomized Pilot Trial of Digital Health in Dialysis Care Delivery.
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Thompson S, Schick-Makaroff K, Bello A, Tonelli M, Wiebe N, Buzinski R, Courtney M, Szigety S, Shah N, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Digital Health
Pediatric Nephrology
Filler G, Geda R, Salerno F, Zhang YC, de Ferris MED, McIntyre CW
Research Project: NaMRI
Keywords: Quality of Life, Polyuria, Fanconi Syndrome
Animal, Human, and 23Na MRI Imaging Evidence for the Negative Impact of High Dietary Salt in Children
Current Pediatric Reports
Filler G, Salerno F, McIntyre CW, de Ferris MED
Research Project: NaMRI
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease
A Quality Improvement Intervention to Enhance Access to Kidney Transplantation and Living Kidney Donation (EnAKT LKD) in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Clinical Research Protocol of a Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Yohanna S, Naylor KL, Mucsi I, McKenzie S, Belenko D, Blake PG, Coghlan C, Dixon SN, Elliott L, Getchell L, Ki V, Nesrallah G, Patzer RE, Presseau J, Reich M, Sontrop JM, Treleaven D, Waterman AD, Zaltzman J, Garg AX
Research Project: Living Donor
Keywords: Transplant, Living Donation
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Davison S, Klarenbach S, Manns B, Schnick-Makaroff K, Buzinski R, Corradetti B, Short H, Johnson J
Research Project: EMPATHY
Keywords: Quality of Life, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
Development and Preliminary Psychometric Testing of an Adult Chronic Kidney Disease Self-Management (CKD-SM) Questionnaire
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Smekal MD, Donald M, Beanlands H, Straus S, Herrington G, Waldvogel B, Sparkes D, Delgado M, Bello A, Hemmelgarn BR
Research Project: Self-Management
Peptidomic Analysis of Urine from Youths with Early Type 1 Diabetes Reveals Novel Bioactivity of Uromodulin Peptides In Vitro
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics
Van JAD, Clotet-Freixas S, Zhou J, Batruch I, Sun C, Glogauer M, Rampoldi L, Elia Y, Mahmud FH, Sochett E, Diamandis EP, Scholey JW, Konvalinka A
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Pediatrics, Type 1 diabetes
PLoS One
Van JAD, Clotet-Freixas S, Hauschild AC, Batruch I, Jurisica I, Elia Y, Mahmud FH, Sochett E, Diamandis EP, Scholey JW, Konvalinka A
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Pediatrics, Type 1 diabetes
Cardiac structure and function in youth with type 2 diabetes in the iCARE cohort study: Cross-sectional associations with prenatal exposure to diabetes and metabolomic profiles
Pediatric Diabetes
Guillemette L, Dart A, Wicklow B, Dolinsky VW, Cheung D, Jassal DS, Sellers EAC, Gelinas J, Eves ND, Balshaw R, Agarwal P, Duhamel TA, Gordon JW, McGavock JM
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: type 2 diabetes, Heart Disease, Pediatrics
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Jansen L, Maina G, Horsburgh B, Kumaran M, Mcharo K, Laliberte G, Kappel J, Bullin CA
Research Project: Treatment Options
Keywords: Education, Indigenous Cultural Competency
An evaluation of renin-angiotensin system markers in youth with type 2 diabetes and associations with renal outcomes
Pediatric Diabetes
Dart AB, Wicklow B, Scholey J, Sellers EA, Dyck J, Mahmud F, Sochett E, Hamilton J, Blydt-Hansen T, Burns K
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: type 2 diabetes
A Mixed Method Investigation to Determine Priorities for Improving Information, Interaction, and Individualization of Care Among Individuals on In-center Hemodialysis: The Triple I Study
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Rossum K, Finlay J, McCormick M, Desjarlais A, Vorster H, Fontaine G, Talson M, Ferreira Da Silva P, Soroka KV, Sass R, James M, Tong A, Harris C, Melnyk Y, Sood MM, Pannu N, Suri RS, Tennankore K, Thompson S, Tonelli M, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Patient-Centred Care
Sullivan KM, Scholey J, Moineddin R, Sochett E, Wicklow B, Elia Y, Xiao F, Mederios T, Sadi P, Burger D, Mahmud FH, Dart AB
Keywords: type 2 diabetes, Type 1 diabetes
A RAND-Modified Delphi on Key Indicators to Measure the Efficiency of Living Kidney Donor Candidate Evaluations
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Habbous S, Barnieh L, Litchfield K, McKenzie S, Reich M, Lam NN, Mucsi I, Bugeja A, Yohanna S, Mainra R, Chong K, Fantus D, Prasad GVR, Dipchand C, Gill J, Getchell L, Garg AX
Research Project: Living Donor
Keywords: Transplantation, Living Donation
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Battistella M, Ng P
Research Project: STOP Med-HD
Keywords: Deprescribing, Polypharmacy
A cluster randomized controlled trial for the Evaluation of routinely Measured PATient reported outcomes in HemodialYsis care (EMPATHY): a study protocol
BMC Health Services Research
Johnson JA, Al Sayah F, Buzinski R, Corradetti B, Davison SN, Elliott MJ, Klarenbach S, Manns B, Schick-Makaroff K, Short H, Thomas C, Walsh M
Research Project: EMPATHY
Evaluating multiple living kidney donor candidates simultaneously is more cost-effective than sequentially
Kidney International
Habbous S, Barnieh L, Klarenbach S, Manns B, Sarma S, Begen MA, Litchfield K, Lentine KL, Singh S, Garg AX
Research Project: Living Donor
Keywords: Transplantation, Living Donation
Patient and physician perspectives on shared decision-making for coronary procedures in people with chronic kidney disease: a patient-oriented qualitative study
Finlay J, Wilson T, Javaheri PA, Pearson W, Connolly C, Elliott MJ, Graham MM, Norris CM, Wilton SB, James MT
Research Project: APPROACH
Keywords: Heart Disease, Decision-Aids
Patient, Caregiver, and Provider Perspectives on Challenges and Solutions to Individualization of Care in Hemodialysis: A Qualitative Study
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Sass R, Finlay J, Rossum K, Soroka KV, McCormick M, Desjarlais A, Vorster H, Fontaine G, Ferreira Da Silva P, James M, Sood MM, Tong A, Pannu N, Tennankore K, Thompson S, Tonelli M, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Patient-Centred Care
Patient Experience After Risk Stratification and Follow-up for Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Catheterization: Patient Survey
Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Natha J, Javaheri PA, Kruger D, Benterud E, Pearson W, Tan Z, Ma B, Tyrrell BD, Har BJ, Graham MM, James MT
Research Project: APPROACH
Keywords: Acute Kidney Injury, Heart Disease
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Getchell L, Bernstein E, Fowler E, Franson L, Reich M, Sparkes D, Desjarlais A, Banai S, Pollock G, Lord-Fontaine S, Settee C, Robinson-Settee H, Murdoch A, Fernandez N, Sapir-Pichhadze R
Research Project: N/A
Keywords: Patient-Oriented Research, KidneyPro
A Framework to Ensure Patient Partners Have Equal and Contributing Voices Throughout the Research Program Evaluation Process
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Hillier DR, Tang M, Clark W, MacDonald C, Connolly C, Large C, King M, Singer J, Levin A, Manns B, Konvalinka A, Scholey J, Rosenblum ND
Research Project: N/A
Keywords: Research Operations Committee, Peer Review
Implementing a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Hemodialysis Patients in Routine Clinical Care: Perspectives of Patients and Providers on ESAS-r:Renal
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Evans JM, Glazer A, Lum R, Heale E, MacKinnon M, Blake PG, Walsh M
Research Project: EMPATHY
Pediatric Diabetes
Marcovecchio ML, Colombo M, Dalton RN, McKeigue PM, Benitez-Aguirre P, Cameron FJ, Chiesa ST, Couper JJ, Craig ME, Daneman D, Davis EA, Deanfield JE, Donaghue KC, Jones TW, Mahmud FH, Marshall SM, Neil A, Colhoun HM, Dunger DB; AdDIT and the SDRNT1BIO Investigators.
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Glomerular Filtration Rate, Type 1 diabetes
Medication Adherence During Adjunct Therapy With Statins and ACE Inhibitors in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes.
Diabetes Care
Niechciał E, Acerini CL, Chiesa ST, Stevens T, Dalton RN, Daneman D, Deanfield JE, Jones TW, Mahmud FH, Marshall SM, Neil HAW, Dunger DB, Marcovecchio ML
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Type 1 diabetes
Vascular Effects of ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) Inhibitors and Statins in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Chiesa ST, Marcovecchio ML, Benitez-Aguirre P, Cameron FJ, Craig ME, Couper JJ, Davis EA, Dalton RN, Daneman D, Donaghue KC, Jones TW, Mahmud FH, Marshall SM, Neil HAW, Dunger DB, Deanfield JE
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Type 1 diabetes
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology
Maple-Brown LJ, Graham S, McKee J, Wicklow B.
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: Indigenous Health, Diabetes
Hemodialysis International
Penny JD, Salerno FR, Akbari A, McIntyre CW
Research Project: NaMRI
Keywords: Dialysis, Sodium MRI
Tissue sodium concentrations in chronic kidney disease and dialysis patients by lower leg sodium-23 magnetic resonance imaging
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Qirjazi E, Salerno FR, Akbari A, Hur L, Penny J, Scholl T, McIntyre CW
Research Project: NaMRI
Keywords: Dialysis, Sodium MRI
The DIalysis Symptom COntrol-Restless Legs Syndrome (DISCO-RLS) Trial: A Protocol for a Randomized, Crossover, Placebo-Controlled Blinded Trial
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Collister D, Pohl K, Herrington G, Lee SF, Rabbat C, Tennankore K, Zimmermann D, Tangri N, Wald R, Manns B, Suri RS
Research Project: DISCO
Keywords: Dialysis, Restless Legs, Symptom Management
Overexpression of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Receptor, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2, in Diabetic Kidney Disease: Implications for Kidney Injury in Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Gilbert RE, Caldwell L, Misra PS, Chan K, Burns KD, Wrana JL, Yuen DA
Research Project: Precision Medicine
Keywords: Precision Medicine, Diabetic Kidney Disease
Renal histology in diabetic nephropathy predicts progression to end-stage kidney disease but not the rate of renal function decline
BMC Nephrology
Misra PS, Szeto SG, Krizova A, Gilbert RE, Yuen DA
Research Project: Precision Medicine
Keywords: Precision Medicine, Diabetic Kidney Disease
Development and Validation of Nine Deprescribing Algorithms for Patients on Hemodialysis to Decrease Polypharmacy
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Lefebvre MJ, Ng PCK, Desjarlais A, McCann D, Waldvogel B, Tonelli M, Garg AX, Wilson JA, Beaulieu M, Marin J, Orsulak C, Lloyd A, McIntyre C, Feldberg J, Bohm C, Battistella M
Research Project: STOP Med-HD
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Deprescribing
Prognostic Performance of Kidney Volume Measurement for Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Comparative Study of Ellipsoid vs. Manual Segmentation
Scientific Reports
Shi B, Akbari P, Pourafkari M, Iliuta IA, Guiard E, Quist CF, Song X, Hillier D, Khalili K, Pei Y
Research Project: ADPKD
Keywords: Polycystic Kidney Disease
Salsalate, but not metformin or canagliflozin, slows kidney cyst growth in an adult-onset mouse model of polycystic kidney disease
Leonhard WN, Song X, Kanhai AA, Iliuta IA, Bozovic A, Steinberg GR, Peters DJM, Pei Y
Research Project: Repurposed Drug
Keywords: Polycystic Kidney Disease
Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate in Youth with Obesity and type 2 diabetes; the iCARE Study Equation
Pediatric Nephrology
Dart AB, McGavock J, Sharma A, Chateau D, Schwartz GJ, Blydt-Hansen T
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: type 2 diabetes
“A Holistic Approach to Risk for Early Kidney Injury in Indigenous Youth with Type 2 Diabetes; A Proof of Concept Paper from the iCARE Cohort. “
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Dart AB, Wicklow B, Blydt-Hansen TD, Sellers EAC, Malik S, Chateau D, Sharma A, McGavock JM
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: Indigenous Health, type 2 diabetes
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Harasemiw O, Drummond N, Singer A, Bello A, Komenda P, Rigatto C, Lerner J, Sparkes D, Ferguson TW, Tangri N
Research Project: KFRE
Keywords: Patient-Oriented Research, Kidney Failure Risk
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Lytvyn Y, Bjornstad P, Lovshin JA, Boulet G, Farooqi MA, Lai V, Tse J, Cham L, Lovblom LE, Weisman A, Keenan HA, Brent MH, Paul N, Bril V, Advani A, Sochett E, Perkins BA, Cherney DZI
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Type 1 diabetes
Association between uric acid, renal haemodynamics and arterial stiffness over the natural history of type 1 diabetes
Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism
Lytvyn Y, Bjornstad P, Lovshin JA, Singh SK, Boulet G, Farooqi MA, Lai V, Tse J, Cham L, Lovblom LE, Weisman A, Keenan HA, Brent MH, Paul N, Bril V, Advani A, Sochett E, Perkins BA, Cherney DZI
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Type 1 diabetes
An evaluation of renin-angiotensin system markers in youth with type 2 diabetes and associations with renal outcomes
Pediatric Diabetes
Dart AB, Wicklow B, Scholey J, Sellers EA, Dyck J, Mahmud F, Sochett E, Hamilton J, Blydt-Hansen T, Burns K
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: type 2 diabetes
Altered DNA Methylation and Serum Levels of Metabolites is Associated With Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Agarwal P, Dart AB, Wicklow B, et al
Research Project: iCARE
Keywords: type 2 diabetes
Kidney International Reports
Bello AK, Ronksley PE, Tangri N, Kurzawa J, Osman MA, Singer A, Grill A, Nitsch D, Queenan JA, Wick J, Lindeman C, Soos B, Tuot DS, Shojai S, Brimble S, Mangin D, Drummond N
Research Project: KFRE
Keywords: Primary Care, Quality Improvement
JAMA Network Open
Bello AK, Ronksley PE, Tangri N, Kurzawa J, Osman MA, Singer A, Grill AK, Nitsch D, Queenan JA, Wick J, Lindeman C, Soos B, Tuot DS, Shojai S, Brimble KS, Mangin D, Drummond N
Research Project: KFRE
Keywords: Primary Care, Quality Improvement
Preferences for a self-management e-health tool for patients with chronic kidney disease: results of a patient-oriented consensus workshop
Donald M, Beanlands H, Straus S, Ronksley P, Tam-Tham H, Finlay J, Smekal M, Elliott MJ, Farragher J, Herrington G, Harwood L, Large CA, Large CL, Waldvogel B, Delgado ML, Sparkes D, Tong A, Grill A, Novak M, James MT, Brimble KS, Samuel S, Tu K, Hemmelgarn BR
Research Project: Self-Management
Keywords: Self-Management, Patient-Centred Care
Identifying Needs for Self-management Interventions for Adults With CKD and Their Caregivers: A Qualitative Study
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Donald M, Beanlands H, Straus S, Ronksley P, Tam-Tham H, Finlay J, MacKay J, Elliott M, Herrington G, Harwood L, Large CA, Large CL, Waldvogel B, Sparkes D, Delgado M, Tong A, Grill A, Novak M, James MT, Brimble KS, Samuel S, Hemmelgarn BR
Research Project: Self-Management
Keywords: Self-Management, Patient-Centred Care
Understanding Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease and Their Caregivers’ Self-Management Experiences: A Qualitative Study Using the Theoretical Domains Framework
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Baay S, Hemmelgarn B, Tam-Tham H, Finlay J, Elliott MJ, Straus S, Beanlands H, Herrington G, Donald M
Research Project: Self-Management
Keywords: Self-Management
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Smekal M, Gil S, Donald M, Beanlands H, Straus S, Herrington G, Sparkes D, Harwood L, Tong A, Grill A, Tu K, Waldvogel B, Large C, Large C, Novak M, James M, Elliott M, Delgado M, Brimble S, Samuel S, Hemmelgarn BR.
Research Project: Self-Management
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Self-Management
Hyperfiltration, urinary albumin excretion, and ambulatory blood pressure in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus
American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology
Lovshin JA, Škrtić M, Bjornstad P, Moineddin R, Daneman D, Dunger D, Reich HN, Mahmud F, Scholey J, Cherney DZI, Sochett E
Research Project: AdDIT
Keywords: Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease