Project Overview
Health information is widely available to the public, patients are increasingly informed about their conditions, and many are keen to take responsibility for their own health. New technologies make it possible for patients to communicate with their health professionals and manage their own health information. Although our health system has many strengths, it has not kept up with these dramatic changes. New models are needed to meet the needs of Canada’s kidney patients. Our team of patients, researchers, clinicians and health care decision-makers will reinvent kidney care to reflect the needs and capabilities of patients in the 21st century.
We will work with our patient partners, using surveys and focus groups, to identify aspects of the patient experience that are the highest priority for change. A key part of this process will be to help patients understand potential tradeoffs in the choices they make. We will use results of these initial studies to select the most promising, relevant tools, strategies, and models for transforming kidney care – then refine and test them in rigorous studies. Electronic innovations will include decision aids, SMS or email messaging, smartphone apps, Skype, videoconferencing, and secure web-based patient portals. We will also use promising non-electronic interventions such as deprescribing protocols, decision aids, risk calculators and customized practice guidelines.
Triple I: Restructuring kidney care to meet the needs of 21st century patients
Project lead(s):
Dr. Clara Bohm, Dr. Marcello Tonelli
Patient lead(s):
Michael McCormick
Research theme(s):
Dialysis, Kidney Care
A Mixed Method Investigation to Determine Priorities for Improving Information, Interaction, and Individualization of Care Among Individuals on In-center Hemodialysis: The Triple I Study
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Rossum K, Finlay J, McCormick M, Desjarlais A, Vorster H, Fontaine G, Talson M, Ferreira Da Silva P, Soroka KV, Sass R, James M, Tong A, Harris C, Melnyk Y, Sood MM, Pannu N, Suri RS, Tennankore K, Thompson S, Tonelli M, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Patient-Centred Care
Patient, Caregiver, and Provider Perspectives on Challenges and Solutions to Individualization of Care in Hemodialysis: A Qualitative Study
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Sass R, Finlay J, Rossum K, Soroka KV, McCormick M, Desjarlais A, Vorster H, Fontaine G, Ferreira Da Silva P, James M, Sood MM, Tong A, Pannu N, Tennankore K, Thompson S, Tonelli M, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Patient-Centred Care
Kidney Medicine
Lewis RA, Bohm C, Fraser F, Fraser R, Woytkiw L, Jurgutis S, Rubin M, Smith G, Buenafe J, Verdin N, Hutton J, Tonelli M
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Quality of Life, Hemodialysis
Patient, Caregiver, and Provider Perspectives on Improving Information Delivery in Hemodialysis: A Qualitative Study
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Ferreira da Silva P, Talson MD, Finlay J, Rossum K, Soroka KV, McCormick M, Desjarlais A, Vorster H, Fontaine G, Sass R, James M, Sood MM, Tong A, Pannu N, Tennankore K, Thompson S, Tonelli M, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Quality of Life, Hemodialysis, Patient-Oriented Research
Voicing Individual Concerns for Engagement in Hemodialysis (VOICE-HD): A Mixed Method, Randomized Pilot Trial of Digital Health in Dialysis Care Delivery.
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Thompson S, Schick-Makaroff K, Bello A, Tonelli M, Wiebe N, Buzinski R, Courtney M, Szigety S, Shah N, Bohm C
Research Project: Triple I
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Digital Health
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