Towards the Future

Our next phase will advance innovative kidney care solutions to help the millions of Canadians affected by chronic kidney disease.


Towards the Futures

Our next phase will advance innovative kidney care solutions to help the millions of Canadians affected by chronic kidney disease.

$11.8M investment supports Can-SOLVE CKD Phase 2

Can-SOLVE CKD is Canada’s largest-ever kidney research initiative.

Since 2016, our national partnership of patients, scientists, health care professionals, and policy-makers has advanced innovative kidney care solutions to help the millions of Canadians affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD).

This transformative work received a significant boost in 2022 with the announcement of new funding that will support the network over the next five years. Can-SOLVE CKD will receive $3.75 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, matched by more than $8 million raised through the generous support of more than 60 partners.

These funds, exceeding $11.8 million in total, will enable Can-SOLVE CKD to mobilize innovations in diagnosis, treatment and care that will enhance kidney health.

Can-SOLVE CKD Phase 2 Funding

Dr. Adeera Levin

Co-Principal Investigator

“This investment by CIHR and our partners will take our work to the next level and effect real changes in how Canadians with chronic kidney disease are treated and cared for.”

Research in action

The second phase of Can-SOLVE CKD (2022-2027) aims to move research findings into real-world care.

Nine projects from Phase 1 (2016-2023) will focus on sustaining, scaling up, and spreading the outputs of their research across Canada. The goal is to use this knowledge to improve patient care by applying it to practice.

In addition to mobilizing new research, Can-SOLVE CKD Phase 2 will change the culture of kidney research by:

  • enhancing Indigenous cultural competency in research
  • advancing principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI)
  • creating new resources and infrastructure to enhance Canada’s leadership in kidney research and clinical trials

Phase 2 research projects

Kidney Check

Improving early CKD risk identification and supporting people in rural and remote Indigenous communities to access recommended care


Scaling up the use of the Kidney Failure Risk Equation into a new provincial kidney disease surveillance system


Implementing the iCARE eGFR tool in diabetes care across the spectrum with messaging that is culturally appropriate for Indigenous peoples


Implementing a new decision aid called “My Heart Care and CKD” across Canada and evaluating its use in clinical practice


Validating a new symptom assessment tool at sites across Canada and creating plans to disseminate the tool into clinical practice

Mind the Gap

Addressing the gap in mental health care and support for people receiving hemodialysis

My Kidneys My Health

Adapting a new self-management website to support the unique needs of diverse population who have non-dialysis kidney disease


Implementing a new deprescribing tool in hemodialysis clinics across Canada to decrease the pill burden for hemodialysis patients

Living Donor Kidney Transplant

Developing benchmarks for efficient donor evaluation to ensure more kidney patients receive access to living kidney donation

Mary Beaucage, David Hillier, Hans Vorster

Patient Governance Circle Executive

“As we look to Phase 2, we are excited to expand our network of patients across the country and see the fruits of our research projects deliver even better kidney care to Canadians. We also look forward to leading the way to a more inclusive research system that celebrates diversity and practices cultural competency.”