avril 11, 2022

Listen to all episodes of the CNTN Spotlight podcast below. Join host Alicia Murdoch as she has engaging conversations with both clinicians and patient partners about various topics of importance in clinical research.

If you have an idea for a podcast, please contact Alicia at amurdoch@cansolveckd.ca

Episode 5 – Interview with Dr. Bhanu Prasad

This episode features Dr. Bhanu Prasad, Nephrologist practicing in Regina, Saskatchewan. In this episode, Dr. Prasad discusses the recent publication in CJASN “Kidney Failure Risk Equation and Cost of Care in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease” and his research on loin pain hematuria syndrome (LPHS). Dr. Prasad is also a member of the CNTN Communication and Engagement Committee.


Episode 4 – Interview with patient partner Mary Beaucage

Episode 4 features an interview with Mary Beaucage, a patient partner from Nipissing First Nation, Ontario who sits on the CNTN Communications and Engagement Committee. She is a kidney recipient and involved in several studies and committee’s within Can-SOLVE CKD including the Patient Governance Circle and Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council and will be discussing her experience.

Listen now:

Episode 3 – Interview with Dr. David Collister

This episode features Dr. David Collister, Nephrologist from University of Alberta. In this episode, Dr. Collister discusses his research program that focuses on symptom management and his experience conducting patient-oriented research. Dr. Collister is also a member of the CNTN Scientific Operations Committee and the Executive Committee.


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Episode 2 – Interview with Dr. Stephanie Thompson

This episode features Dr. Stephanie Thompson, Nephrologist from Edmonton. In this episode Dr. Stephanie Thompson from the University of Alberta talks about the challenges and lessons learned from her recent exercise trial.


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Episode 1 – Interview with patient partner Dwight Sparkes

The first episode features an interview with Dwight Sparkes, a patient partner from St. John’s Newfoundland who is the patient co-lead on the CNTN Capacity Building committee. He is involved in several studies and working groups within Can-SOLVE CKD and will be discussing his experience over the past 4 years.


Listen now:


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