Our diverse committees guide network activities

Can-SOLVE CKD Governance Structure

Patient Governance Council

The Patient Governance Council (PGC) is an agile decision-making body reflecting the significant breadth of expertise among Can-SOLVE CKD patient partners. It is composed of up to 15 patients/caregivers affected by kidney disease who draw on their lived experience with kidney disease as well as their personal and professional experience to support meaningful patient engagement in Can-SOLVE CKD. The PGC meets monthly to provide input and guidance to Can-SOLVE CKD, from setting priorities to supporting patient engagement in all aspects of research.

Contact: Melanie Talson, Patient Partnerships and Capacity Building Manager (mtalson@cansolveckd.ca)

Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council

The Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council (IPERC) serves to guide the conduct of the Network’s activities in accounting for the unique aspects of patient-oriented research involving First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

Using an ethical framework that encompasses the principles of ownership, control, access and possession (OCAP) and the elements of participatory research, IPERC’s mandate is to ensure that Can-SOLVE CKD appropriately incorporates, addresses and respects the unique needs and perspectives of Indigenous peoples.

Members of the council include patients, families, caregivers, Knowledge Keepers, health professionals and federal/provincial decision-makers.

Contact: Jocelyn Jones, Indigenous Initiatives Manager (jjones@cansolveckd.ca)

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for overall strategic leadership and governance of Can-SOLVE CKD. It is composed of representative from diverse stakeholder groups, and includes the co-chairs from other committees (e.g., IPERC, KT/KU Committee, the ROC, etc.) as well as the co-principal investigators of the network.

The Steering Committee meets quarterly and reports to the Boards of Directors of the Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN) and the Kidney Foundation of Canada

Research Operations Committee

This committee consists of diverse stakeholders who play a critical role in evaluating the network’s research projects. The ROC performs annual reviews on all research projects to provide guidance for successful implementation of the Can-SOLVE CKD’s research program and ensure that projects align with patient priorities.

The ROC consists of Indigenous and non-Indigenous patient partners, physicians, scientists, experts in research methodology, and members of the Can-SOLVE CKD Operations team. Whereas patient input has traditionally been completed at a single point during the research review process, if at all, this novel approach using the ROC ensures better integration of patient input throughout the entire research process.

Contact: Cynthia MacDonald, Project Manager (cmacdonald@cansolveckd.ca)

Knowledge User/Knowledge Mobilization Committee

In collaboration with patient partners, the KT/KU Committee provides guidance, expertise and direction for knowledge translation (KT) activities throughout the network. This involves working with Can-SOLVE CKD project teams to implement their new evidence and practices into clinical practice.

Contact: Selina Allu, Knowledge Translation Broker (soallu@ucalgary.ca)

Pediatrics Committee

The Pediatrics Committee is responsible for coordinating and conducting high-quality pediatric kidney research across the Can-SOLVE CKD Network. Its aim is to improve the health of children across Canada who are living with kidney disease. The committee currently includes pediatric kidney doctors and researchers from across the country. They identify research priorities by working closely with other researchers, experts, and community and funding partners, together with the larger Can-SOLVE CKD Network.

Contact: admin@cansolveckd.ca

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