January 31, 2023

Our monthly update keeps you informed on our network projects and initiatives! Below are a few highlights. Make sure to check out the latest issue below.

Can-SOLVE CKD partners on national clinical trials platforms

The Can-SOLVE CKD Network is proud to collaborate on two new initiatives that will enhance Canada’s capacity for innovative clinical trials. The Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium and the HDRN Canada Pragmatic Trials Training Program were announced January 19 as part of a new investment by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support national clinical trials infrastructure.

Welcome Knowledge Keepers

The Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council (IPERC) is pleased to welcome two new members, Skwxú7mesh Nation Knowledge Keepers Delhia and Maurice “Latash” Nahanee.

Latash and Delhia will bring their wisdom and knowledge to IPERC and have recently joined the Kidney Check project. Both have been involved in various capacities with the network over the years including the Land Acknowledgment Learning Series. Delhia is a living kidney donor to their daughter Marissa.

Welcome to the Can-SOLVE CKD Network – we are excited to have you on board!

Read the latest from CNTN

The Canadian Nephrology Trials Network latest quarterly newsletter was just released. This issue includes a successful grant application through the Accelerating Clinical Trials Consortium, CNTN at the Canadian Society of Nephrology AGM 2023, CNTN website refresh including researcher and patient partner video testimonials, and much more!


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